Introducing the new Shipcontroller Dynamic Positioning System
The safest and more accurate way to stay on course

Introducing the new Shipcontroller Dynamic Positioning System
The safest and more accurate way to stay on course
We are proud to introduce the new Shipcontroller Dynamic Positioning System (DPS), which can be incorporated into any boat compatible with the Shipcontroller system.
This advanced DPS module uses high-precision position and actitude sensors to calculate possible errors in the ship's position and heading, and transmits the necessary commands to the thrusters to maintain the orientation and position stable with small margins of error. This can be particularly useful, for instance, when you are waiting in order to moor or fuel, or to remain over a given fishing spot.
Shipcontroller DPS is:
Accurate: Under favourable conditions, and depending on the accuracy of the sensors used and the characteristics of the ship’s propulsion system, the DPS is able to keep the position and heading of the boat with errors of less than 50 cm and 1 degree, respectively. With the basic sensors, position and heading errors may be of less than 2,5 m and 3,5 degrees.
Easy to use: Just by pressing a button on the joystick remote control you can engage and disengage the system.
Reliable: The SCR system constantly calculates the difference between the measured position of the yacht and the required position, as well as the thrust needed to keep this deviation as small as possible. In the event of a fault, or if the quality of the signal from the position sensors is below the established acceptance threshold, the system warns users by means of optical and acoustic alarms.
Versatile: All the Shipcontroller systems with a display control panel can have the DPS dynamic positioning option. Although best results are obtained when the boat has thrusters with proportional control, we offer solutions for cases in which there are only two engines and a bow thruster.
Do not hesitate to contact us for the DPS solution that best suits your needs.