Enhanced DPS Algorithm for Surge Axis Control
A video showcasing the improved propulsion control.

Enhanced DPS Algorithm for Surge Axis Control
A video showcasing the improved propulsion control.
Our dynamic positioning system, Shipcontroller DPS, has consistently demonstrated its ability to adapt to a wide range of propulsion configurations. However, when dealing with main engines delivering high thrust even when engaged at idle, we encounter one of the most intricate challenges in closed-loop control: high-power systems with significant delays and inertia.
In these scenarios, maintaining stable behavior with minimal surge axis position errors becomes particularly challenging. To address this, we've enhanced the surge axis control algorithm, achieving smoother performance with significantly reduced position errors.
The boat in the video is a 72' vessel equipped with proportional control bow and stern thrusters, and two high-powered engines, which made it very difficult to maintain stability on the X-axis. The result with the new algorithm has been excellent.